Obtaining a merchant account for a business related to firearms and guns sounds as though it’s going to be difficult – right?
Well, think again – but only if you are fully legal of course.
Whenever someone says guns in the office, you see everyones head drop, but the truth of the matter is shooting is a popular sport, and participants of the sport need shops and retail outlets to obtain ammunition, guns or new weapons to participate in the sport they love. We pride ourselves in being able to support these genuine businesses that keep the sport of shooting alive and kicking.
Whether it’s:
The bottom line is that as long as you are a fully licensed business to possess and sell guns and ammunition/firearms then our high risk acquiring banks will certainly open a merchant account for your business.
Obviously as you would expect, there is lots of due diligence to go through for all directors and shareholders to get approval for your merchant account for firearms. Anyone that tries to obtain a merchant account that is not licensed will immediately be declined for a merchant account, for obvious reasons if you are selling guns and weapons you need to be very tightly regulated as a business and the individuals behind the business.
However, our acquirers recognise that there are genuine good businesses that require the services to take payment via a card machine and will happily support in opening an account should all checks stack up.
Obtaining a merchant account for your firearms business for E-commerce might be a little trickier to obtain for obvious reasons however this facility is still available for the right businesses that can demonstrate levels of security that fits the acquirers requirements.
So, all is not lost! – if you have been terminated or your acquirer has served you notice on your firearms business and you are in need of a merchant account we can help you.

Below are some things you should know before you get started with your application to start accepting Visa and MasterCard payments. Before your start you must be licensed.
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